A few minutes ago, Sony's announcement at Gamescom 09 has stolen the thunder from the Xbox 360.

A new slimmer, lighter PS3 was unveiled at the event by Kaz Hirai. The new console will retail for 299 dollars and 299 euros. I don't know what the pricing in India will be yet. Still, all PS3s on shelves will have their prices drop too - that means the current "fat" PS3 will soon sell at $299.

The slim consumes less power, weighs less and occupies less space. It has a 120gb hard drive inside and features are reportedly identical to the current SKUs of the console.

The fat iteration of the console still, in my opinion, has the better looks than the slim with its matte finish and PS2-esque lettering.
Either way this is good news for gamers. Rejoice ye all, for Sony hath finally seen the light!
atleast dey changed da spidey font :P
& abt it consuming lesser power & lesser noise....i dont hear much noise 4m da current ps3.....heard da (se)xbox consumes power lyk a refrigerator.....but da ps3s in india....i dont think dey sell many games....i got sum 4m ebay....& recently found a shop in richie street..wer dey sell tons of ps3 goodies....it seems dey wud get all da latest games within a week or sumthin....& da price is bargainable of course...:P :P
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