I've been following the fake Steve Jobs on twitter of late what with the iPhone 4 launch having just passed. Recently he put up "First the iPhone was left in a bar and now the bars have left the iPhone. I hate irony." Love the way he spins Apple's own words against them in many an instance. With the screen yellowing, faulty antenna design, signal drops, camera white balance being off, 3G problems.... looks like the workers at Foxconn got their sweet revenge on Apple.
Besides, the fact that Jobs is being totally unapologetic about the flaws in the iPhone 4, and blaming it on the customers (a.k.a the maniacs who stood in lines two whole days for a phone.... FOR. A. PHONE) is proof enough of his arrogance. The flawed device won't stop the iPeople from saying "Hey there's nothing wrong with it, just hold it the way Steve tells you to, don't hold it like you would a phone!". And yeah, it'll sell millions and millions while Apple and AT&T rake in billions of dollars despite all the crap they pull on their
Thank god for Android.
Ponder this while I take leave of you for 2 months, though you never know when I'll pop an article out of the blue.
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