Tawpoo had been telling us about a place called Boat Lagoon. So we hired a minivan to go all the way there around 2.30pm. Our driver this time was the same guy who came for the airport pickup. Oh, this bugger musta been the slowest driver in Thailand. Finally we got there and found that this wasn't a beach. The Boat Lagoon is another resort which has mooring points for a large number of yachts and private villas that you can buy (if you have money like Vijay Mallya that is). Total waste of time getting all the way. Tawpoo and the reception staff would hear of this (to their bad fortune) in great detail from my aunt much later when we got back.

Moreover, Mr. I'm-the-slowest-driver-in-the-world was like Frankenstein. He knew how to get from Point A to Point B, but anything we asked him (even if asked the way you'd put it to a pre-schooler) wouldn't quite get through clearly. Damn these fools and their ignorance of English. After just lazing around the resort for a while looking at the yachts, we left the place and headed to Phuket's Central Festival – one of the big mall's here. This is one of several of the Central Group's malls in Thailand, with many of them at Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket to name a few locations.
So we did some window shopping at many of the big designer stores here, had something to eat and bought a few cakes. Once again landed up at a Power Buy showroom and bought a few Bluetooth headsets. The prices of the 5.1 and 7.1 sets here are good, but we can't carry them to India with us :'( Also got myself a Diesel watch.
Took the shuttle back to the hotel by 6.30pm. And the reception staff got an earful. Started packing soon after that, while watching Roddick's match at Wimbledon against some Russian (Kuntzyn I think). We'll be checking out by 1pm tomorrow, we have a flight back to Bangkok. A few hours there until we board the next flight and then it’s back to good old Chennai.
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