Even after soldering the circuit together there were quite a few worries. Defective oscillators, mixed up cathode lines, leaky transistors, adjacent solder points touching each other, one layer not lighting up at all... what not. Our teacher, Mr. Raman from the Electronics lab at our department helped me find one of those nagging faults which I for the life of me couldn't figure out (solder points touching ever so lightly at one place under the oscillator crystal).

Finally, after a few sleepless nights of soldering, de-soldering, error checking and error correction - here it is:
The entire thing is driven by an Atmega16 chip. The coding is in C.
Sorry for the quality, the clip was taken on a phone camera in the dark. The cube looks best in the dark. Brighter blue LEDs can also be used instead of the above used red LEDs. Blue LEDs frankly look even cooler but I'll have to change the resistor values on the outputs then.
Vigneshwaran (my classmate) and I did a paper presentation on 3D Displays using OLED screens this week. We won 2nd prize for that. :D This model was used to give people a very basic understanding of the concept behind the presentation.
Awesome :)
Thanks bro !!
hmm... ATmega16 huh?... pretty cool...quite impressive actually... Do you know coding in ATmega8 as well, because I don't and my stupid syllabus has only 8051 which quite frankly is useless.. By the way, your 'display' looks pretty cool... How many hours did you take putting that together?
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