This video's been around for quite a while. Just watch this answer that Ms. South Carolina gives to the question : "Why do you think a fifth of Americans can't locate the US on a world map?". Its just awesomely stupid :D No wonder all those blonde jokes keep coming.
Jimmy Kimmel of course did an analysis of her comments. This one's a must watch. Don't miss it.
While we're on the topic of dumb blondes, here's ex-President Bush. Now Obama is the first American President who is totally into his Blackberry. But President Bush was good at making war, not at using "The Internets" ;) and searching via "The Google". Watch this CNN report on his comments.
Auld lang syne
And so, another year has passed. Lots of ups and downs, unexpected
surprises and disappointments and a fairly stagnant year of personal
development with...
7 years ago
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