The radical change in his voice, as he says, is because of the Helium he inhales at first. Helium is six times lighter than air. When a series of compression waves (your voice) leave the helium in your lungs and hit the denser air, the wave train is suddenly slowed down. The wave in front is slowed first while the wave behind it is still moving fast. Then the second wave is slowed while the third is still moving fast, and so on. It's like fast moving traffic on an open freeway suddenly coming to a slow point in the road, all the cars bunch up close to each other.
Your ear interprets closely bunched sound waves as a higher pitch than widely spaced waves. So when your voice originates in helium and then travels through the air to someone's ear, it sounds higher. If both you and the listener were in a room filled with helium, your voice would get to their ears faster than normal, but there would be no pitch change.
The reverse is true in the case of his voice deepening when he inhales Sulphur Hexa
Do not fill your lungs with any of these gases - it can lead to hypoxia and fainting. As a disclaimer, I am in no way responsible for any stupid stuff you try, or if you inhale some crap and die ;-) So, please stay safe.
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